
Talk.CSS #34 Birthday Edition 🎂

Event location: Carousell HQ

We are so glad and grateful to all of you who turned up to celebrate our 3rd birthday with us. It’s hard to believe, but it’s been 3 years and 34 meet-ups. We had to say farewell to co-founder, Chris Lienert. Without him, there wouldn’t be a Talk.CSS to begin with. Given he’ll be taking over MelbourneCSS, stay tuned for some potential international collaboration.

This was a wonderful way to end off an amazing 2018. For everyone new, welcome. For the regulars, words are not enough to express how much your support means to our little meet-up. Chris and I may have started Talk.CSS, but all of you kept it going. ❤️

So this happened…



rgba(25, 25, 112, 1)

CSS colour of the month

Link to Directions of the web video

Hui Jing shows how content on the web doesn't necessarily have to flow from top-to-bottom left-to-right all the time, with CSS.

Link to Keeping the Animations Alive in the Frontend Frameworks' Era video

Say Hao demonstrates how CSS animations can add a little flair to your websites, with comparisons between React and Vue.

Link to The case for generated atomic CSS video

An amazing talk by Yishu on the trials and tribulations of code reviews leading to CSS methodologies, and where the title of the talk was revealed last. Must-watch.

Link to Just go learn grid yourself video

And for the last time, Chris gives a cheeky presentation about Bootstrap for React. Just kidding.

CSS News (November 2018)

Updates and news in the world of CSS for November 2018. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.

About the speakers…

Lim Sayhao

This guy is a full-stack developer who also designs websites. He also plays the double bass. Which is like a violin but really, really humongous.

Chen Hui Jing

Hui Jing played basketball for more than half her life and it indirectly led her to web development. Ask her about that.

See Yishu

Yishu is an engineer who learned everything about the web from books, like literally, bound printed paper. Other times she tries to sneak in the designers‘ table and hope no one notices.

Chris Lienert

Chris apparently has the wrong qualifications and shouldn't be here. No one told him though, and despite not wanting to work with computers, he became a web developer anyway.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

The SingaporeCSS monthly

Couldn't make it to Talk.CSS? Missed our regular segment of HTML & CSS news of the month plus interesting links? Here it is in newsletter form :)

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