Another online edition went by without anything exploding. AH-MAZ-ING. We had 3 mind-blowing talks. Sure, most of you probably missed it. That’s why we have video. All fixed in post. You’re welcome.
So this happened…
rgba(123, 104, 238, 1)
CSS colour of the month
Updates and news in the world of CSS for April 2020. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.
About the speakers…

Eric is a designer at thoughtbot, accessibility and inclusive design advocate, and maintainer of The A11Y Project.

Yishu is an engineer who learned everything about the web from books, like literally, bound printed paper. Other times she tries to sneak in the designers‘ table and hope no one notices.

John has been a web developer since 1993, so he's seen (and forgotten) a lot. He's also shared his experiences with open-source code and over 80 talks across 4 continents.