Developers love meet-ups. Almost every programming language has its own local meet-up. Almost. There wasn’t a CSS-specific meet-up in Singapore at the time, and usually talks related to CSS latched onto other meet-ups like Talk.JS or Front End Developers Singapore.
Talk.CSS came into being on October 26, 2015. It all started from a random conversation in our local digital watering hole, the KopiJS slack channel. The idea of starting a CSS meet-up seemed to take quite well and by 4pm we already had a logo, a GitHub organisation, a Twitter account and the venue for our inaugural meet-up.
The meetup was started and run by Chen Hui Jing and Chris Lienert. Chris left Singapore to return to Australia after Talk.CSS #34. But after 3 months of flying solo, we lucked out and found a new co-organiser, Gao Wei.

Our sort-of-secret-unofficial mascot, named “200” (go ask Wei about that), first made an appearance at Talk.CSS #19, but had since flown under the radar. But they have started to make more regular appearances so keep a look out. You can also send them your birthday wishes on 8 June.
We can’t talk about tech meet-ups in Singapore without mentioning, THE hub for all things tech on this little red dot. If you’re interested to attend any other tech meet-ups, definitely check it out. For data buffs, there is, which has information on tech meet-ups in Singapore dating back to December 2014.
As of August 2018, has merged into Engineers.SG, so please refer to for the list of upcoming open developer, design and maker events in Singapore.
Also, a huge kudos to Engineers.SG, which records videos of almost every single tech meet-up in Singapore. Credit to Michael Cheng and his army of videographers for making this possible.
We have a new best friend meet-up, React Knowledgeable AKA RK, which is Wei’s brainchild, and is meant to be a fun and friendly podium to share what we learn about React. They are totes legit, with a .org
domain, plus a maybe-official-unofficial mascot named “Prpl”, birthday on 24 June. Together with 200, they are a sibling pair AKA “the kids”.