
Talk.CSS #19 CodePen Edition

Event location: Viki Singapore

We had a great turnout this time. Probably in large part because it was the Codepen edition. Might make this an annual thing. But more importantly, Viki was a wonderful host, as usual, and the food was FANTASTIC! Much love to team Viki ❤️❤️❤️.

So this happened…



rgba(0, 191, 255, 1)

CSS colour of the month

Link to Can I use inline styles? video

Yishu walks us through her journey of exploring various strategies to handle CSS.

Link to building a lyric translation app video

William shows us his lyric translations web application, which utilise HTML ruby.

CSS News (July 2017)

Updates and news in the world of CSS for July 2017. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.

About the speakers…

See Yishu

Yishu is an engineer who learned everything about the web from books, like literally, bound printed paper. Other times she tries to sneak in the designers‘ table and hope no one notices.

William Lim

William is a software developer. He is currently building an indie game called Larinite.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

The SingaporeCSS monthly

Couldn't make it to Talk.CSS? Missed our regular segment of HTML & CSS news of the month plus interesting links? Here it is in newsletter form :)

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