
Talk.CSS #3

Event location: Microsoft Singapore

In a bid to be consistent, we were lucky that 2016 was a leap year that allowed us to squeeze our third Talk.CSS into the last day of the February. Microsoft Singapore graciously hosted us this time, and although there were some minor technical issues with the video setup, the spectacular talk line-up more than made up for it.

So this happened…

Link to Data Visualisation with CSS and SVG video

Sayanee presents her brilliant project,, on visualising data on the SG CSS and Developer community.

Link to Transitions, Animations and Transforms video

Not all animations are created equal. Yong Jun explains more, with tips, tricks and cool demos.

Link to CSS whack-a-mole video

Creating a game in pure CSS? Shiaw Uen schools us in the dark arts of the CSS checkbox hack.

About the speakers…

Sayanee Basu

Sayanee is an engineer dabbling with web technologies and electronic sensors. She shares her learnings through screencasts on Build Podcast.

Thong Yong Jun

Yong Jun became a web developer so he could be away from the office, working from a sunny beach. At this moment, he is writing and an office.

Tan Shiaw Uen

Shiaw Uen is a developer. He occasionally plants vegetables and makes soap.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

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