
Talk.CSS #54

Event location: The Interwebs

This was such a fun session, with 2 stellar talks. If you couldn’t make it, we’re not judging, you gotta do what you gotta do. But not to worry, I remembered to hit the record button this time so you can still catch up if you want to.

So this happened…



rgba(176, 224, 230, 1)

CSS colour of the month

Link to How Studying History Of Arts Helped Me Become A Better Frontend Designer video

Nils shows us that looking beyond tech is a great source of inspiration.

Link to Third party CSS is not safe video

If you thought third-party CSS was safe, you are so mistaken. Lihau shows us much evilness.

CSS News (September 2020)

Updates and news in the world of CSS for September 2020. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.

About the speakers…

Tan Li Hau

Li Hau is a frontend developer at Shopee. He contributes to open source, blogs and answers questions about JavaScript.

Nils Binder

Nils loves frontend development, design, origami and chocolate. The order may vary.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

The SingaporeCSS monthly

Couldn't make it to Talk.CSS? Missed our regular segment of HTML & CSS news of the month plus interesting links? Here it is in newsletter form :)

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