
talk.js + talk.css = Special Edition!

Event location: PayPal Singapore

So we have a sister meet-up group called Talk.JS, that as the name implies, covers all things Javascript. And, as siblings often can attest to, we clash from time to time (actually no, we’ve never clashed before, I just screwed up the meet-up scheduling this time). BUT, because we love each other so much, we’re turning a timing clash into something different with a super special edition front-end extravaganza!

So this happened…

Link to building a donation web app video

Gabrielle and Joanne share their experience of building a better donation web app.

Link to building a Telegram Bot video

Jonathan and Zhen Jie build a Telegram Bot to make the Telegram experience better.

Link to HTTP/2 server push video

Our favourite JS wizard, Sebastiaan, is back to teach us about HTTP/2 server push.

Link to Carpark SG video

David built a carpark data visualisation app using LTA's API.

Link to panel discussion on debugging CSS video

And for the big finale, our panel discussion on debugging CSS with Tim, Chris and Thomas.

CSS News (July 2016)

Updates and news in the world of CSS for July 2016. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.

About the speakers…

Tim Oxley

Tim is a JavaScript & NodeJS developer, speaker and founder of the CampJS conference, as well as our sister meetup, SingaporeJS.

Thomas Gorissen

Thomas likes to work with curious people on ambitious tech projects and hosts CSSConf.Asia, a little big yearly gathering of South-east Asia's web designers and front-end developers.

Chris Lienert

Chris apparently has the wrong qualifications and shouldn't be here. No one told him though, and despite not wanting to work with computers, he became a web developer anyway.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

The SingaporeCSS monthly

Couldn't make it to Talk.CSS? Missed our regular segment of HTML & CSS news of the month plus interesting links? Here it is in newsletter form :)

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