
Talk.CSS #18

Event location: SP Digital

We had a good turnout this time, guess planning ahead counts for something. Of course this was in large part due to the great talks we had (e.g. the speaker wasn’t Chris or Hui Jing. Not to say they’re bad, just that fresh faces are always welcome 🤗).

So this happened…



rgba(210, 105, 30, 1)

CSS colour of the month

Link to CSS architecture video

Ghis introduces us to ITCSS, a methodology for scalable CSS architecture, and other best practices.

Link to Breaking down SVG animations video

Aysha presents her gorgeous side project and shows us how SVG animations aren't intimidating at all.

CSS News (June 2017)

Updates and news in the world of CSS for June 2017. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.

About the speakers…

Ghis Bakour

Ghis will be writing his one-liner as soon as he knows he has to.

Aysha Anggraini

Aysha is a front-end engineer and a wannabe designer. Her motto in life is 'Code, Yoga, and Cats'.

All videos courtesy of Engineers.SG.

The SingaporeCSS monthly

Couldn't make it to Talk.CSS? Missed our regular segment of HTML & CSS news of the month plus interesting links? Here it is in newsletter form :)

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