We returned to the offices of Rakuten Viki after almost 2 years (we were last here on 26 July 2017), and it was great. This was the unofficial Talk.CSS Math edition and it was a hoot. If you missed it, well, videos for you then.
So this happened…
rgba(70, 130, 180, 1)
CSS colour of the month

Van gives a most inspiring talk about drawing with CSS and the joy of doing things without the need for justification.

Live-coding by Dylan as he explains how pseudo-elements can used for making radios and checkboxes look better.

A beautiful talk on how trigonometric functions can be used with SCSS to create performant animations by Weiyuan.
Updates and news in the world of CSS for July 2019. Our regular segment. Topics covered available here.
About the speakers…

Socially inept programmer based in Singapore. Staple foods: music and coffee. Religion: black colour.

Extroverted engineer who specialises in frontend web development. Other interests include rock climbing, board gaming and improv comedy.

Full-stack engineer, though uses more queues nowadays. Doesn't drink, but has a story on how he wrote an awesome piece of code while tipsy for the first time.

A modern Renaissance man with a wide range of interests. Looking for his headphones. Clearly did not write this bio himself.